Friday, July 16, 2010

March Drill Commands

Formal commands are issued in Malay. All drills are performed with feet stomping unless specifically instructed to perform "silent drills".
  • Sedia: Stand at Attention. Elbows locked, eyes stare forward, chin up. No movement. Stand straight, eyes forward, chest out, shoulders back and down, knees straight but not locked, heels together, feet at a 30-degree angle. All muscles are rigid. The hands are held in tight fists with the thumbs aligned with the seam of the trousers.

  • Ke kanan lurus: Face to the right, straighten the dressing. All personnel in front row and right side column except the right marker take one step forward, pause, and only the front rank bring up their right arms parallel to the ground. At the same time, all members of the formation snap their heads so they're facing right. After this, they pause, and then shuffle back to a new position, where their hand is extremely close to the soldier's shoulder on their right, unless otherwise specified (Elbow Dressing, Shoulder Dressing).

  • Senang diri: Legs placed shoulder width apart, hands behind backs, right hand over left hand, fingers straightened. Eyes still forward, looking up, no talking.

  • Hormat: Salute. The right arm is raised so the forearm is placed at a 90° angle, while pointing at the temple. It is generally to a count of "Up, two, three, down!"

  • Bergerak ke kanan/kiri, bertiga-tiga, Ke kanan/kiri, Pusing: Move to your right/left, three by three, right/left turn. "Kiri" and "Kanan" stand for left and right respectively. They are interchangeable in commands. "Bertiga-tiga" is also given in context, depending on how many rows deep the formation is. Three by three stands for the standard formation depth of three rows. "Dalam dua/empat barisan" would be used for two and four rows respectively.

  • Maju: Forward.

  • Dari kiri/kanan, perlahan jalan: By the left/right, slow march (the standard pace is 60 paces per minute).

  • Dari kiri/kanan, cepat jalan: By the left/right, quick march (the standard pace is 120 beats/minute).

  • Berhenti: Halt (the timing is: "Call, Check, Halt, 2, 3")

  • Hentak kaki, cepat, hentak: Mark time. This is essentially a stationary march with the knees coming up parallel to the ground or the foot dangling six inches off of the ground.

  • Ke kiri/kanan belok: Left/Right Wheel. Turn to the left/right, differentiated from a Left/Right Turn in that the order of march remains the same. Comparable to a caterpillar turning left/ right.

  • Ke Belakang, pusing: About Turn (180° to the right). The body is rotated 180° in a clockwise direction, knees locked. Members shall bend the left knee, straighten it in double time and smartly place the left foot beside the right to assume the position of attention.

  • Ke kanan, pusing: Right Turn. A 90° turn to the right done by rotating on the right heel and left ball. The cautionary and executive are both called on the left foot. The left leg is then brought up to be parallel to the ground and slammed into the ground in the position of attention.

  • Ke kiri, pusing: Left Turn. A 90° turn to the left, done by rotation on the right ball and the left heel. The right leg is then brought up to be parallel to the ground and slammed down into attention.

  • Keluar Baris: Fall out. This is done with a right turn followed by either three steps or a Quick March (the standard pace is 120 beats/minute) in a straight line to the edge of the parade square.

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